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"Dr. You helped me through the most difficult period of my career journey. His expertise helped alleviate many of the negative symptoms of my chemotherapy which included: neuropathy (pain in my hands and feet, sensitivity to light and sound, and lack of appetite). Concurrently, he helped alleviate the pain from my spinal surgery. I don’t know what I would have done without Dr. you!!! To this day, I see him monthly for overall health and well-being. Thank you, Dr. You." -J.R.

"I wanted to thank you for the miracle that you provided with your acupuncture treatments. Other doctors simply could not provide an explanation and suggested treatment options that only included taking pain killers, muscle relaxers or just living with the pain. After our initial conversation, you were able to hone in on the problem of Fibromyalgia. You were able to relieve the severe and sometimes debilitating pain that spanned the past several years. While I was skeptical after the first two treatments during the first week, After the fourth treatment and by the end of the second week, I was a true believer in acupuncture as the pain has disappeared and I feel better than I have in years." -Stacey Wood

"I had come due to some migraines that I would always have, and I have even been hospitalized for them, and now thanks to the Doctor, my headaches now are rare to occur. Thank you Doctor You." -Esmeralda​

"I had terrible pain on one side of my face (trigeminal neuralgia). It was excruciatingly painful to talk, smile or even to eat. The pain was wearing me down. I discovered Dr. You by accident. I saw his office and walked in thinking it couldn't harm and if it helped--great. Dr. You gave me acupuncture treatments along with an herbal drink to reduce nerve inflammation and lower my blood pressure. After only five treatments, my pain is nearly gone. My enthusiasm and energy are back. Best of all, I don't have any side effects from any serious drugs." -Connie

"I was diagnosed with stage 4 Endometriosis. I saw a specialist in Arlington, TX and he suggested for me to try Lupton that has horrible side effects. I was barely functioning due to all the pain medication I was on, so more drugs was not the answer.
I read on the internet how some women were having relief with acupuncture. I had nothing to lose, I felt like death 3 weeks out of the month. I thank GOD I found Dr. You! He has been treating me for the past 5 years. After the first six months I was off all pain medication. Dr. You manages my pain with herbal tea. Words can not express what Dr. You has done for me. He has given me back my life." -Traci L

I'm so grateful that I found Dr. You. I've been suffering shoulder pain and was diagnosed for calcium deposits.  I was given a prescription for pain,  prescription for physical therapy.  I chose not to take the pain medicine, after reading the potential side effects.  

Finally, I went to see Dr. You who has been able to help me over the years, with everything from digestion issues, to stiffness in my neck, and shoulders. thank you! -Michael


"I have been dealing with GERD/acid reflux for most part of my life but it got extremely bad few months ago to the point where I couldn't eat any solid food. I went to my PCP where I got tested for H pylori but was tested negative. I was prescribed few meds including extremely expensive PPI (when I have been already taking over the counter Nexium and Prilosec everyday for years). For almost 2 months I had no improvement in my symptoms and lived in fear that I will never get better and won't be able to eat normally forever. In desperation I came to Dr. You and have been taking the medicine he prescribed for almost 2 months now and I have seen so much improvement. I still do need to be cautious of what I eat because certain food exacerbate the symptoms but with the dietary restrictions and the medications from Dr You I have been able to eat like a normal person again!" - Sunny

"I have had ulcerative colitis for ten years and usually get flare-ups once a year. With each flare-up, my colon becomes severely inflamed and I begin to suffer the symptoms of my disease including bloody diarrhea, bloating, abdominal pain, and sometimes nausea. In the pas I have always gone to my gastroenterologist, who will prescribe me western medicine to treat my symptoms. Often times with western medicine there are long-term side effects.

During my most recent flare-up. I came to Dr. You for the first time to try an alternative way to treat my symptoms. Dr. His herbal medicine began to alleviate some of my severe symptoms, including blood in my stool, in less than two weeks. Gradually my condition began to improve even more. My abdominal pain and bloating subside. Dr. You has been treating me for two months now. Just within the last couple of weeks, my restroom visits returned to normal and I no longer have my other symptoms. I appreciate Dr. You and all the effort he has given to help treat my disease!" -Anonymous

"I wanted to share my experience for others who are struggling with gastro/acid reflux.  I've had this for a while and I have been seeing my gastroenterologist for the past years. I never got better so I'd thought I would try something different. Turns out Dr. You he has been helping many other patients who had tried Western medicine like me and came to him.  He gave me herbal to to take and it's been a few weeks and my stomach pain is all GONE!  I'm so grateful and wish I had found Dr. You sooner" -Mary


"I'm a 65 year old lucky man.  Four years ago I experienced a sudden shortness of breath went to an area hospital in Houston, Texas for examination.   I was diagnosed with AFIB and a cardio output of 20%.
    My wife and I began researching alternatives that would work with my RX prescriptions and support my diagnosis.  I have always embraced nutritional supplements for my total well being but felt like their was a need to understand and find balance with the out of sync electrical impulses that were causing my root problem "AFIB".
    My wife shared an article on the art of acupuncture and how it connects and supports the nervous system of the body.  We found Dr. You and his professional clinic on Gessner Drive. I now have integrated acupuncture, nutritional supplements along with MD procedures and happy to say I'm am out of AFIB and my heart functionality is now 40 - 50 %.  I truly believe that Dr. You's acupuncture has connected all my energy dots in my inner being and was a major contributor to my cardio improvement."- Rusty


"When I came in the first time, I had 260 pounds and right now it is 240. It’s wonderful! Thanks doctor for helping me because my blood pressure is reduced" -Hilda

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